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The 1st Workshop on Complex Quantum Materials 在复旦江湾校区举行
发布人:韦佳  发布时间:2016-05-23   浏览次数:501


Within the field of strongly correlated electron physics, materials with added layers of complexity -- more bands at the Fermi surface, less symmetry, additional interactions such as strong spin-orbit coupling and their interplay with each other, or materials in which the surface differs fundamentally from the bulk, pose particular challenges but also
, a satellite conference of SCES 2016 in Hangzhou, aims to bring together leading experts to tackle the outstanding issues in these materials.

Topics discussed at the conference will centre on superconductivity and topological materials. Superconducting systems will include iron-based superconductors and those with novel pairing symmetry, especially thin films and surface measurements.

Invited Speakers

Alois Loidl (University of Augsburg)

Yuji Mateuda (Kyoto University)

Liu Hao Tjeng (MPI-CPfS)

Piers Coleman (Rutgers University)

Yong Baek Kim (University of Toronto)

Kyle Shen (Cornell Universuty)

Peter Wahl (University of St.Andrews)

Collin Broholm (Johns Hopkins University)

Seamus Davis (Cornell University)

Suchitra Sebastian (Cambridge University)